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Logic: The Art of Argument for Grades 8-12 (11:00)

Logic: The Art of Argument for Grades 8-12 (11:00)

Course Name: Logic: The Art of Argument for Grades 8-12
Grade Range: 8th-12th
Instructor: Erin English
Price: $250 for 28 weeks
Course Description
Students will argue (and sometimes quarrel) but won't argue well without proper training! This high school logic course teaches informal fallacies by reframing how students read and understand arguments. Since logic is both the art and the science of reasoning, students must be prepared to engage in arguments inductively and deductively. Using basic foundational questions, students will hone their inductive reasoning skills. 
Students who complete this course will learn how to reason with clarity, relevance, and purpose . . . and will have fun along the way! Informal logic is a foundational subject by which other subjects are evaluated, assessed, and learned. Therefore, students' study and mastery of the 28 logical fallacies will provide an essential lifetime framework for filtering good and bad reasoning as well as writing and speaking effectively.
Course Prerequisites: None
Curriculum used by Instructor: Center for Lit Teaching the Classics
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: 
    The Art of Argument Revised Student Edition ($28.95), Classical Academic Press
Homework Requirements:  Approximately 1 hour per week
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: yes
Course Credit: yes
Teacher Bio: Erin English has been homeschooling for the past 14 years and has been a part of Friendly Educators for ten years. She and her husband have three daughters (grades 12th, 10th, and 7th). Erin has a B.S. in Civil Engineering and an MBA. Before becoming a full-time Mom, Erin worked in logistics with Kraft Foods. Erin has taught several courses at Friendly Educators in the past, including PreCalculus, Physics, K-2 Science, and Public Speaking, and she served as FE’s Co-Director with Kelly Jewel for several years. Erin teaches online Latin classes to students worldwide at The Little Latin School and works part-time as a virtual assistant. 
Min/Max # of Students: min = 8 / max = 14
Method and Frequency of communication: I will send out weekly emails with a recap of the class and homework instructions. Progress reports with grades will be sent 3x per semester.

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