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Nature Study for Grades 3-5 (10:00)

Nature Study for Grades 3-5 (10:00)

Course Name: Nature Study for Grades 3-5
Grade Range: 3-5
Instructor: Ashley Washam
Price: $230/28 weeks 
Course Description: Join me as we go on a seasonal nature study. Over the course of the year, we will study all four seasons and take a in depth look at the animals, trees, stars, fungi, rocks and minerals, shadows, weather, rainbows and so much more. This class will be packed full of fun learning all things nature. There will be lot's of fun activities and crafts throughout the year.
Course Prerequisites: N/A
Curriculum used by Instructor: Treehouse schoolhouse, instructor made activities and worksheets and various books pertaining to each individual topic. 
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: colored pencils, glue, notebook for journaling, 3 ring binder, scissors
Homework Requirements: N/A
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: N/A

Course Credit: N/A
Teacher Bio: Hi, my name is Ashley Washam. I'm a homeschool mom and love all things nature and animals. This is my third year teaching classes at Friendly Educators.
Min/Max # of Students: 7/min, 15/max
Method and Frequency of communication: email communication every other week.

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