Phone Photography for Grades 6-12 (1:00)
Course Name: Phone Photography for Grades 6-12
Grade Range: Grades 6-12
Instructor: Brett Redgate
Price: $175 for 28 weeks
Course Description: In this course we will use the fundamentals of photography as the building blocks for many fun and creative photography projects each week. My goal is to help each student tap into the Creator inside of them, build their skills behind the camera to observe the beauty of creation, and to create images that will tell the story they see around them!
Course Prerequisites: None
Curriculum used by Instructor: Created by instructor
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: No Purchase Required; however, an iPhone/Smartphone is required for this course
Homework Requirements: Students will be expected to work on small photography projects during the week.
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: Pass/Fail for participation
Course Credit: N/A
Teacher Bio: This class is taught by Brett Redgate, homeschooling mom of 9 years. She has a degree in Biology from James Madison University. Brett has 3 boys presently at FE. She owns a Product Photography business, has created an online photography course and photography membership for teacherpreneurs.
Min/Max # of Students: 3 min / 15 max
Method and Frequency of communication: Text or email - bi-weekly/as needed