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Public Speaking for Grades 6-8 (10:00)

Public Speaking for Grades 6-8 (10:00)

Course Name: Public Speaking for Grades 6-8
Grade Range: Grades 6-8
Instructor: Adrian Hronich
Price: $200 for 28 weeks
Course Description: This class seeks to equip middle schoolers with skills and confidence needed to become effective public speakers. Students will engage in interactive class activities to develop different public speaking techniques (poise, eye contact, gestures, etc.). Additionally, they will learn how to craft well-organized speeches of various types, including impromptu, informational, persuasive, demonstrative, and interpretive and will tap into their creativity to produce their own video commercial.
Spring semester will also offer students a constructive outlet for their desire to argue -- in the form of organized debates! This class will help students realize that public speaking can actually be fun … or at least not as scary as they may have thought!
Course Prerequisites: None
Curriculum used by Instructor: The instructor will draw from different resources, including Public Speaking for Kids by Karen B. Gill, Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students by Erik Palmer, and various online resources. Students will not need to purchase any texts.
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families : None
Homework Requirements: Approximately 1.5 - 2 hours per week
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: Pass/fail. Teacher will provide regular, constructive feedback to students in class.
Course Credit: N/A
Teacher Bio: Adrian Hronich graduated from Bucknell University, where she double majored in English and Sociology. She then earned her law degree from Seton Hall Law School, where she was a member of the Law Review and the moot court team. After practicing telecommunications law at a large private firm, she left her legal career behind to raise her children. During the last twenty plus years, she has gratefully homeschooled her seven children and has loved teaching at her church and at several
homeschool coops. She passionately encourages students to enjoy learning and frequently challenges them to reach beyond their preconceived limits. Most of all, she desires them to know the love of the God who made them each unique and wonderful.
Min/Max # of Students: 5 min/12 max

Method and Frequency of communication: Weekly emails will be sent to keep parents,
students, and teacher on the same page regarding class assignments and expectations.

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