The Bible for Grades K-2 (1:00)
Course Name: The Bible for Grades K-2
Grade Range: K-2
Instructor: Ellen Bishop
Price: $150 for 28 weeks
Course Description: We will be learning about our amazing God through His Word. In addition to a Bible storybook, we will be exploring the Bible and learning some basic Bible skills like how to look up a chapter and verse. To keep the interest at this age, we will be including fun group activities and games as well as a craft each week. We will be memorizing Bible verses through beautiful songs and the New Testament books in order. In the fall semester, we will cover many Old Testament stories and lead up to Jesus’ birth for our Christmas break. In the spring semester, we will study Jesus’ ministry on earth, His death and resurrection around Easter, and then the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ second coming. Through it all, we will see each week how the Bible points us to Jesus and God’s plan to redeem His people back to Him.
Course Prerequisites: none
Curriculum used by Instructor: The Biggest Story Curriculum and the Bible (ESV)
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: none
Homework Requirements: none, but optional enrichment and/or family discussions will be emailed to you
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: none
Course Credit: n/a
Teacher Bio: Ellen Bishop was a teacher in elementary schools for several years before having children. Her older son has some special needs and is in a private school, and she enjoys homeschooling with her younger son, who attends FE. She has also taught 4th grade in Sunday school at Lawndale Baptist for 8 years and 1st grade VBS for 9 years. She is passionate about teaching not just the minds but also the hearts of children and excited to see how God will speak through His Word to these precious little ones!
Min/Max # of Students: minimum 6, maximum 16
Method and Frequency of communication: Emails will be sent out weekly on what we are learning in class and how you can enrich it at home.