Zoology for Ages 4-5 (2:00)
Course Name: Zoology for Ages 4-5
Age Range: 4-5
Instructor: Caroline McCormick
Email: light4god1979@yahoo.com
Price: $200 for 28 weeks
Course Description: Throughout the year we will be learning about land, sea, and flying animals. Each week there will be a new animal to talk about. The class will be learning through crafts, experiments, and hands-on activities. They will keep a notebook where they will log their animals each week. During the second half of the year they will work on a presentation to share with us their favorite animal.
Course Prerequisites: none
Curriculum used by Instructor: Teacher Developed
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: notebook for log book, basic school supplies (pencils, gluestick, scissors, etc.)
Homework Requirements: animal presentations during the second semester
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: none
Course Credit: none
Teacher Bio: This class is taught by Caroline McCormick, who has been homeschooling for 9 years. She has a degree in Early Childhood Development from GTCC and many years of experience working with preschool age. Her and her husband are very involved in the children’s ministry at their church where they are Preschool Directors. She has two children who will be in 7th and 9th grade. This will be her fourth year teaching at Friendly. She looks forward to getting to know the kids and helping them learn more about God’s creation.
Min/Max # of Students: min 6/ max 12
Method and Frequency of communication: once a week emails