2024-2025 Registration Information
If you would like to enroll your child in classes with Friendly Educators, please note the following:
All families must be registered with Friendly Educators in order to enroll into classes.
All registration is done in person (not via this website).
Read our Friendly Educators' Policies and FAQs prior to registering.
Make a list of the classes in which you plan to enroll your children. (Make sure you note which classes are already full)
Create a new member account in our registration system: https://friendlyednc.lovemygroups.com
Come to the next in-person registration listed on the home page. The new registration dates will be announced mid March, 2024.
Registration fee: $125 per family
All Friendly Educators payments are made online with ACH bank draft, credit card, or debit card.
NO cash or checks accepted.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
