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American Sign Language 1 for Grades 9-12 (1:00)

American Sign Language 1 for Grades 9-12 (1:00)

Please note - this class is full.


Course Name: American Sign Language 1 for Grades 9-12
Grade Range: 9-12 
Instructor: Amanda Wares
Price: $250 for 28 weeks
Course Description: In this class, students will learn basic ASL communication. Course includes sign vocabulary, fingerspelling, numbers and expressive and receptive signing activities as well as exploring history of ASL and becoming knowledgeable of aspects of Deaf Culture which is an integral part of meaningful language use. ASL 1 is designed to give students a good basis for signed communication. There will be homework assignments, tests, and final projects each semester.  This course will fulfill one year of foreign language credit for high school.
Course Prerequisites: None
Curriculum used by Instructor: Instructor designed, drawn from a number of different sources
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: None
Homework Requirements: Most weeks, 15-20 minutes of review; research project and cumulative exam at the end of each semester. 
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: 10 point grading scale 
Grading breakdown:

  • Participation: 40%
  • Quizzes: 10%
  • Projects: 20%
  • Exams: 20%

Course Credit: 1 foreign language credit
Teacher Bio: Amanda Wares is a 19-year veteran homeschooling mom of 4 (3 have graduated, with 1 high schooler left to go). Amanda’s educational background is in Deaf Education and sign language interpreting. She has also taught ASL to homeschool students for many years. She LOVES to pass on her knowledge to students and is so excited to be teaching! 
Min/Max # of Students: 5/15
Method and Frequency of communication: I will send a summary email each week. 

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