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Geography for Grades K-2 (10:00)
  • Geography for Grades K-2 (10:00)

    Course Name: Geography: Around the World for Grades K-2
    Grade Range: K-2 
    Instructor: Windy Sasser
    Price: $175 for 28 weeks
    Course Description: Travel with me around the world! As we discover many grand sites around the world through literature, we will explore art and beautiful nature of each country that we visit. We will learn new facts about the history of the countries and create a notebook to record these wonderful things. When possible, I will be making reservations at local restaurants for our families to join each other to taste the different cuisines from around the world. In the past this was such a memorable time as we really got to know each other. It is not a requirement to take your family out to eat, just a fun time to wrap up our time in that country. 
    Course Prerequisites: N/A
    Curriculum used by Instructor: Beautiful Feet 
    Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: colored pencils, crayola watercolor set, smock or paint shirt
    Homework Requirements: No homework
    Duration: 28 weeks
    Grading: N/A
    Course Credit: N/A
    Teacher Bio: Windy Sasser is a homeschooling mom and former public elementary school teacher. She has a degree in Elementary Education and Biblical Counseling. She taught elementary grades in Guilford County Public Schools  until she decided to stay home after her first daughter was born. She has three sweet daughters, and is presently leading each of them through their education at home. (28 weeks)

    Min/Max # of Students: 8/15
    Method and Frequency of communication: bi weekly and as needed 

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