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Public Speaking for Grades 9-12 (10:00)

Public Speaking for Grades 9-12 (10:00)

Course Name: Public Speaking for Grades 9-12
Grade Range: Grades 9th–12th 
Instructor: Josiah Bausum    
Price: $275 for 28 weeks
Course Description: We will delve into and perform several types of speeches. From persuasive and informative speeches to impromptu and extemporaneous, your student will learn the fundamentals of how to format and write a good speech and have an opportunity to put those new found skills to use. This course will not focus on debate, though we touch on how public speaking skills are used for that purpose. We are going to look at some of the great speeches of history and talk about what made them stand out. 
Course Prerequisites: None
Curriculum used by Instructor:  Instructor developed curriculum. 

Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: Notebook and pens or pencils 
Homework Requirements: We will be writing speeches and performing them in class. Students will be expected to write their speeches outside of class and to practice at home.
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: This class is largely going to be graded on participation in class and preparedness of speeches. I want your student to succeed in this class and to have fun doing so. I will use the following grading scale on assignments. 
A: 100-90 B: 89-80 C: 79-70 D:69-60 F: 59-0
Course Credit: 1
Teacher Bio:  I competed in speech and debate through the NCFCA for three years at local, regional, and national levels. I graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History. I taught High School at St. Fancies Xavier Catholic High School in Sumter South Carolina from 2016 until 2020. During that time, I was the head of the Social Studies Department as well. I taught Intro to College Courses at Central Carolina Technical College from 2018 until 2021. I have been teaching in the children and youth ministries at Triad Church since the summer of 2021. I have been licensed as a Pastor through Triad Church since the spring of 2023 and was ordained in February 2024. 
Min/Max # of Students: 5-15
Method and Frequency of communication: I will send out emails to let you know if there are any graded assignments coming up as well as to let you know the results of those grade assignments. I will also send out mid-term and final grades. I will of course respond to any emails that I receive as well.

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