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Theater Arts for Grades 6-12 (10:00)

Theater Arts for Grades 6-12 (10:00)

Course Name: Theater Arts for Grades 6-12
Grade Range:  6th-12th grade
Instructor: Pamela J. Kinter
Price: $275 for 28 weeks
Course Description: Students will learn Acting techniques through movement, voice, improv and scene work. Focus will be on character exploration and finding actor’s strengths in communication on stage.  Session will end in a presentation of student’s work!  Curriculum used: Stanislavski based system, with a focus on the “magical if” that will help students understand the inner lives of different characters and bring them to life.

Course Prerequisites:  None needed
Curriculum used by Instructor: Stanislavski acting method, improvisation acting and theater games and activities for growth
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families: none needed
Homework Requirements: occasional memorization
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: pass/fall
Course Credit: N/A
 Teacher Bio: Pamela Kinter has been an Acting teacher and director for over 30 years.  She has worked in Washington DC and Chicago in professional and semiprofessional Theater, as well as smaller community based theaters across the country. She currently owns and operates a private acting studio in Greensboro NC (Stagelights)  She is determined to foster the creativity and love of acting and storytelling to all children!
Min/Max # of Students: min 8/maximum 25
Method and Frequency of communication: per needed

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